- 16-Sided Barn
- 1779 Campaign
- Abigail Adams
- Accepting the Presidency
- Acts of Congress
- Adam Stephen
- Adam Stephen (ca. 1721-1791)
- Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller
- Agricultural Equipment
- Albin Rawlins
- Alexander Cleveland
- Alexander Dallas
- Alexander Hamilton
- Alexandria Academy
- Alexandria, Virginia
- Allegheny Expedition
- Allied visits to Mount Vernon during the Second World War
- American Ancestry
- Ancestry
- Ancestry of William Costin New
- Andrew Lewis
- Ann Pamela Cunningham
- Annapolis Convention
- Annis Boudinot Stockton
- Anthony Walton White
- Anthony Wayne
- Anthony Whiting
- Appointment as Commander in Chief
- Arthur St. Clair
- Arthur Young
- Asgill Affair
- Augustine Washington
- Aurora General Advertiser
- Austin
- Ball Family
- Barbados
- Baron von Steuben
- Bastille Key
- Battle of Barren Hill
- Battle of Bennington
- Battle of Brandywine
- Battle of Cowpens
- Battle of Germantown
- Battle of Guilford Courthouse
- Battle of Harlem Heights
- Battle of Kip's Bay
- Battle of Long Island
- Battle of Monmouth
- Battle of Newtown
- Battle of Princeton
- Battle of Saratoga
- Battle of Second Trenton
- Battle of Stony Point
- Battle of Trenton
- Battle of White Plains
- Battle of the Chesapeake
- Battle of the Monongahela
- Batty Langley
- Bedchamber
- Beer
- Belvoir
- Ben
- Benedict Arnold
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benjamin Franklin Bache
- Benjamin Franklin in London
- Benjamin Franklin, Espionage and Counter-Espionage
- Benjamin Latrobe
- Benjamin Tallmadge
- Betty
- Betty Washington Lewis
- Bible
- Bier Carriers
- Birds
- Blacksmith Shop
- British Occupation of New York City
- Buffalo
- Bullskin Lands
- Burials at Mount Vernon
- Bushrod Washington
- Cabinet Members
- Caesar
- Caleb Gibbs
- Caleb Stone
- Cambridge
- Camel
- Camp Followers
- Caroline Branham
- Casimir Pulaski
- Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham (1731-1791)
- Cato
- Cattle
- Caven Bowe
- Census of the Enslaved Population at Mount Vernon, 1786 and 1799
- Centennial of Washington's Birthday
- Champagne
- Charles
- Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess and 2nd Earl Cornwallis (1738-1805)
- Charles Lee
- Charles Peale Polk
- Charles Washington (1738-1799)
- Charles Willson Peale
- Charles Willson Peale's Cabinet Portrait
- Charlotte
- Cherry Tree Myth
- Chinese Porcelain
- Chippendale Side Chair
- Christ Church, Alexandria
- Christmas at Mount Vernon
- Christopher Gist
- Christopher Sheels (1776 - ?)
- Cincinnatus
- Circular Letter to the States
- Classicism
- Clement Biddle
- Coat of Arms
- Commemoration of George Washington's Birthday
- Committees of Correspondence
- Connecticut Raids
- Conotocarious
- Constitutional Convention
- Continental Army
- Conway Cabal
- Copy Press
- Cornelius McDermott Roe
- Courtship
- Creek Nation
- Crossing of the Delaware
- Culper Spy Ring
- Cupola Tower
- Custis Family
- Dagworthy Controversy
- Daniel Morgan
- Darby Vassall
- David Bushnell
- David Cobb New
- David Cowan
- David Humphreys (1752 – 1818)
- David Ramsay
- David Stuart (1753-1814)
- Davy Gray
- Deborah Sampson
- Declaration of Independence
- Deer
- Democratic-Republican Societies
- Department of the Treasury
- Development of Mount Vernon
- Dick Jasper
- Diego María de Gardoqui y Arriquíbar (1735-1789)
- Dining at Mount Vernon
- Disease in the Revolutionary War
- Dismal Swamp Company
- Dogs
- Dogue Run Farm
- Doll
- Don Quixote
- Donkeys
- Downstairs Bedroom
- Dung Repository
- Early History of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
- Early Refurnishing Efforts: Lafayette Room
- Early Refurnishing Efforts: Old Chamber
- Early Views of Mount Vernon
- Eastman Johnson
- Edmond Charles Genet
- Edmund Parker
- Edmund Randolph
- Education
- Edward Braddock
- Edward Everett
- Edward Savage
- Edy Jones
- Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis
- Eleanor Forbes
- Elizabeth Bryant Johnston
- Elizabeth Parke Custis Law
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Elizabeth Willing Powel
- Enslaved Burial Ground
- Espionage Tactics
- Eulogies
- Exterior Architectural Details
- Fabian Strategy
- Fairfax Family
- False Teeth
- Fanny
- Fanny Bassett
- Farm Structure
- Father of His Country
- Federalist Papers
- Ferry Farm
- Fidel Castro's Visit to Mount Vernon
- Fielding Lewis
- First Annual Address to Congress
- First Continental Congress
- First United States Census, 1790
- First and Second Inaugurals
- First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of His Countrymen
- Fisher Ames
- Forbes Expedition
- Foreign Leaders and Post World War II Diplomacy (1951-1955)
- Fort Duquesne
- Fort Necessity
- Francis Fauquier
- Francis Hopkinson
- Frank Lee
- François-Jean de Chastellux
- Frederick the Great
- Freemasonry
- French and Indian War
- Friends
- Front Parlor
- Funeral Ministers
- Gabriel Johnson (1820-c.1867)
- Gardeners at Mount Vernon
- Garret Bedchamber
- Genet Affair
- George
- George Augustine Washington (ca. 1759-1793)
- George Baylor
- George Beck
- George Croghan
- George Hammond
- George Johnston
- George Lewis
- George Mason
- George Mercer
- George Washington
- George Washington Parke Custis
- George Washington and Agriculture
- George Washington and Ballooning
- George Washington and Entertainment
- George Washington and Religion
- George Washington and Slavery
- George Washington and Travel
- George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette
- George Washington and the Supreme Court
- George Washington as Farmer
- George Washington in Popular Culture
- George Washington's Farewell Address
- George Washington's Kentucky Lands
- George Washington's Library
- George Washington's Marquee Tent
- George Washington's Mastodon Tooth
- George Washington's Papers
- George Washington's Study
- George Washington's Will
- George Weedon
- George Young
- Georges Washington de Lafayette
- Gilbert Stuart (1755-1828)
- Giles
- Gladys Quander Tancil (1921-2002)
- Goin Lanphier
- Gouverneur Morris
- Gradual Abolition Act of 1780
- Grand Strategy
- Grapes
- Great Cake
- Greenhouse Slave Quarters
- Growth of Mount Vernon
- H.M.S. Savage
- Henry James's Pandora
- Henry Knox
- Henry Lee
- Henry Young
- Hercules Posey
- Hessians
- Hippopotomus
- Hoecakes and Honey
- Hogs
- Honorary French Citizenship
- Horatio Gates
- Horatio Greenough
- Horsemanship
- Hospitality at Mount Vernon
- House for Families
- House of Burgesses
- Howell Lewis
- Hudson River Campaign - 1779
- Hugh Archer
- Hugh Henry Brackenridge
- Hugh Mercer
- Ice Cream
- Interior Architectural Details
- Isaac Hayne
- Islam at Mount Vernon
- Israel Putnam
- Jacob Van Braam
- James Alexander Hamilton (1788-1878)
- James Anderson
- James Bloxham
- James Boyd
- James Butler
- James Craik
- James Donaldson
- James Madison
- James McHenry
- James Wilson (1742-1798)
- Jay Treaty
- Jean-Antoine Houdon
- Johann Christian Ehlers
- John Adams
- John Allison
- John André
- John Armstrong Jr.
- John Askew
- John Augustine Washington III
- John Ball
- John Broad
- John Burgoyne
- John Cadwalader
- John Evans
- John Fairfax
- John Fitzgerald
- John Gottleib Richter
- John Greenwood (1760-1819)
- John Hancock
- John Jay
- John Knowles
- John Laurens
- John Marshall
- John Neale
- John Parke Custis
- John Patterson
- John Ramage
- John Saunders
- John Stadler
- John Violet
- Joice Heth (c.1756 -1836)
- Jonathan Alton
- Jonathan Boucher
- Joseph Brant
- Joseph Cash
- Joseph Reed
- Jumonville Glen Skirmish
- Kate
- King's College
- Kitchen
- Kitty
- Landscape and Gardens
- Lawrence Lewis
- Lawrence Washington
- Letter to the Camp Committee
- Levees (Receptions)
- Lewis Nicola
- Life Guards
- Life in New York City
- Lord Fairfax
- Loyalists
- Lucy Knox (1756-1824)
- MVLA Early Refurnishing Efforts: The Yellow Room
- Madeira
- Major William Jackson New
- Mansion
- Marquis de Lafayette
- Marquis de Lafayette's Plan for Slavery
- Martha Parke Custis
- Martha Parke Custis Peter
- Martha Washington
- Martha Washington During the Presidency
- Martha Washington and the American Revolution
- Mary Ball Washington
- Mary Morris Hamilton Schuyler (1818-1877)
- Matthew Baldridge
- Mercy Otis Warren (1728-1814)
- Meschianza
- Michael Tracy
- Military Badges
- Military Discipline
- Military Education
- Mississippi Land Company
- Morocco
- Morristown, NJ
- Moses Seixas
- Mount Vernon Conference
- Mount Vernon During World War II
- Mount Vernon Fisheries
- Mount Vernon Guidebooks: 1876-1936
- Mount Vernon Guidebooks: 1937-1976
- Mount Vernon Ladies' Association: Early Fundraising
- Mount Vernon Vistas
- Mount Vernon and American Domestic Architecture
- Mount Vernon as Architectural Inspiration
- Mourning George Washington
- Mourning Washington by Laborers at Mount Vernon
- Muddy Hole Farm
- Music
- Nancy Carter Quander
- Nathanael Greene
- National Gazette
- Native American Policy
- Nelson (Horse)
- Neutrality Proclamation
- New England Tour
- New Room
- New Windsor Cantonment
- New York
- New York Campaign
- New York Committee and Council of Safety
- New York Provincial Congress
- Newburgh Address
- Newburgh Conspiracy
- Northwest Ordinance
- Ohio River Valley
- Ona Judge
- Oneida
- Overview of the Gristmill
- Pacificus/Helvidius Letters
- Pallbearers
- Parenting
- Parson Weems
- Patrick Callahan
- Patrick Henry
- Patrick Lyon (1769-1829)
- Personality
- Peyton Randolph (1721-1775)
- Philip Bateman
- Philip John Schuyler (1733–1804)
- Pierre L'Enfant
- Pilgrimages to Washington's Tomb
- Pineapples
- Plantation Structure
- Pohick Church
- Pontiac's Rebellion
- Popes Creek
- Porcupine’s Gazette
- Prescott (Horse)
- Presidential Diplomacy
- Presidential Election of 1789
- Presidential Election of 1792
- Presidential Entertaining
- Presidential Precedents
- Presidential Residency in New York
- Press Attacks
- Priscilla
- Prisoners of War
- Private Lives of Slaves
- Proclamation Line of 1763
- Quasi War
- Quebec Campaign
- Ratification of the Constitution
- Recipe for Small Beer
- Rembrandt Peale
- Resignation of Military Commission
- Rhode Island
- Richard Boulton
- Richard Burnet
- Richard Kidder Meade
- Richard Tharpe
- Richard Varick
- Robert Cary and Company
- Robert Dinwiddie
- Robert Hanson Harrison
- Robert Lewis
- Robert Morris
- Rochambeau
- Rocky Hill Experiment
- Royal Gift (Donkey) New
- Rum
- Rustication
- Sally Fairfax
- Sambo Anderson
- Samuel Blachley Webb
- Samuel Fraunces
- Samuel Powel
- Sarah Harle
- Sarah Livingston Jay (1756-1802)
- Servants and Marriage
- Servants' Hall
- Seven Years' War
- Shays' Rebellion
- Sheep
- Shingas (fl. 1740-1763)
- Siege of Boston
- Siege of Charleston - 1776
- Siege of Charleston - 1780
- Siege of Savannah
- Sir Guy Carleton
- Sir Henry Clinton
- Slave Clothing
- Slave Control
- Slave Demographics
- Slave Labor
- Slave Quarters
- Slave Religion
- Slave Resistance
- Slavery and Family
- Slavery and Marriage
- Slavery at Dogue Run Farm
- Slavery at Mansion House Farm
- Slavery at Muddy Hole Farm
- Slavery at River Farm
- Slavery at Union Farm
- Smallpox
- Social Education
- Society of the Cincinnati
- Southern Strategy
- Southern Tour
- Spurious Quotations
- Stable
- Status of Slaves in Washington's Will
- Stephen Moylan (ca. 1737-1811)
- Surveying
- Susanna Bishop
- Tea
- Tench Tilghman
- Thanksgiving
- The "Indian Prophecy"
- The Articles of Confederation
- The Bull-Finch
- The Civil War Years
- The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774
- The Death of George Washington
- The Journal of Major George Washington
- The Kanawha Tracts
- The Legend of George Washington's Baptism
- The Little Parlor
- The Marquis de Lafayette at Valley Forge
- The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association and the Women’s Suffrage Movement
- The Potomac Company
- The Prince of Wales Visits Mount Vernon, 1860
- The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour
- The Style of Martha Washington
- The Vaughan Plan
- Thomas Bishop
- Thomas Branagan
- Thomas Brooks
- Thomas Cresap
- Thomas Davis
- Thomas Gage
- Thomas Green
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Mahony
- Thomas Mifflin
- Thomas Paine
- Thomas Prichard Rossiter
- Thomas Spear
- Timothy Pickering
- Toasting
- Tobacco
- Tobias Lear
- Tom
- Tomb
- Touro Synagogue
- Treaty of Aranjuez (1779)
- Trinity Church
- Turner Crump
- Union Farm
- Upper Garden
- Valley Forge
- Venetian Window
- Vine and Fig Tree
- Washington Irving
- Washington Monument
- Washington and Architecture
- Washington and the West
- Washington's Distillery
- Washington's Views on Health
- Watermark
- West Ford
- West Point
- Whiskey Production
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Wilhelm von Knyphausen
- William (Billy) Lee
- William Alexander, Lord Stirling
- William Augustine Washington
- William Crawford
- William Garner
- William Grayson
- William Livingston
- William Moultrie
- William Palfrey
- William Pearce
- William Roberts
- William Skilling
- William Spence
- William Stephens Smith (1755-1816)
- William Stewart
- William Triplett
- William Washington
- William Winstanley
- Wills Creek
- Winchester, Virginia
- Wooden Teeth Myth
- Writing in the 18th Century
- XYZ Affair
- Yorktown Campaign