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Washington's Family Buried at Mount Vernon

George Washington's final resting place is a tomb on his Mount Vernon estate. The remains of his wife, Martha Dandridge Custis, as well as 25 other family members, are also entombed there. In addition, 3 others are buried in a plot next to the vault.

In the Washington Family Vault

Name Year of Death Relation to George Washington
Jane Washington 1745 Niece
Sarah Washington 1745 Niece
Fairfax Washington 1747 Nephew
Mildred Washington 1749 Niece
Lawrence Washington 1752 Half-brother
Martha Parke Custis 1773 Step-daughter
George Fayette Washington 1787 Step-Grandnephew
George Augustine Washington 1793 Nephew
Frances Bassett Washington Lear 1796 Step-niece
George Washington 1799  
Martha Eliza Eleanor Peter 1800 Step-Great-Granddaughter
Martha Betty Lewis 1801 Step-Great-Granddaughter
Martha Dandridge Custis Washington 1802 Wife
Ann Aylette Washington Robinson 1804 Grandniece
William Augustin Washington 1810 Nephew
Noblet Herbert c.1821-26 Grandnephew-in-law
Robert Herbert c.1821-26 Great-Grandnephew
Jane Herbert c.1821-26 Great-Grandniece
Mary Lee Washington Herbert 1827 Grandniece
Bushrod Washington 1829 Nephew
Julia Ann Blackburn Washington 1829 Niece-in-law
Bushrod Washington 1830 Grandnephew
Eliza Parke Custis Law 1831 Step-Granddaughter
John Augustine Washington 1832 Grandnephew
Lawrence Lewis 1839 Nephew
Jane Mildred Johnson 1842 Great-Grandniece
Jane Charlotte Blackburn Washington 1855 Grandniece-in-law

At rest in burial plot next to family vault:

Mary Eliza Angela Lewis Conrad 1839 Step-Great-Granddaughter
Eleanore Parke Custis Lewis 1852 Step-Granddaughter-in-law

The Washington Family

Although George Washington never had any biological children, he did have a rather large family, comprised of his many siblings, step-children, and step-grandchildren.

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