Mount Vernon had the chance to speak with Dr. Erik Goldstein about his new book, The Swords of George Washington. Learn more about the rich history behind Washington's collection of swords.
As we can see in your book, Washington owned a wide variety of swords. How did he view these swords?
Washington’s range of edged swords spanned the civilian and military alike, and includes those with attributes of both. This was due to a number of contemporary factors, including form, function, and fashion. Some of his swords were gifts, offered as tributes, or acquired by descent, and reflect no choice of his, assuring that an interesting mixture of weapons came into his possession over the course of his life. However acquired, Washington saw them on the whole as indispensable accouterments to his masculinity which had to be chosen for wear with a good deal of thought. As he faced each day, he had to decide which of his swords, if one was required, was the most appropriate to be worn for the occasions ahead and those individuals he was sure to interact with. Was he about to lead troops into combat, go for a relaxing ride through the countryside or was he hosting a foreign dignitary at the executive mansion? The weapon that hung by his left hip was a direct reflection of not only Washington, but the gravitas of the situation he was a part of and those in attendance. While it is difficult to find a modern-day equivalent to the fashionable and functional sword, it is tempting to compare the phenomenon to expensive men's luxury watches, or custom leather shoes. Just as one wouldn’t wear dirty old sneakers to a business meeting, George Washington would not have chosen to wear an out-of-style and worn fighting sword to address Congress!
Swords from this era seem like the perfect combination of art and form. How did sword fashion change during Washington’s lifetime?
The varying types of swords in Washington’s possession followed a distinct evolution of form, much like American cars did throughout most of the 20th century. Just as decorative arts in his day morphed through the Baroque, Rococo and Neo-Classical styles, so did sword hilts. Any gentlemen who had the desire to be seen as up-to-date had to keep up with these evolving trends, and Washington was no different. If we look at his smallswords, represented by four examples, we see the pinnacle of British sword hilt fashion as it spans the 1750s through the 1790s. All of these swords are architecturally identical but look strikingly dissimilar; we start with delicate and restrained gadrooning and end up with polished steel studs and filigree. A similar evolution of fashion and desirability can be seen in his choice of cuttoes. Washington’s lion-head example was superseded by the silver and ivory hilted cuttoe in the late 1770s, perhaps due to the association between a lion and Great Britain. Since cuttoes were falling out of use by the time Washington became President, there is no evidence that he ever acquired another in the pursuit of fashion.

Video: Dr. Erik Goldstein discusses the design and history of the Silver Lion-Headed Cuttoe (1:44)
Where did Washington obtain his swords?
While we don’t know for sure when Washington obtained his first sword, he may well have been given one by an older male member of his family. The earliest sword known to have been his, the onyx handled cuttoe, dates from the early 1690s and is most likely an ancestral piece. Next in the chronological progression of Washington’s swords is the silver hilted smallsword of 1753, which was almost certainly acquired in conjunction with his first appointment to Virginia’s Militia. Just as this smallsword is English, the next two swords ordered by Washington came through agents in Britain, and were purchased from first rate sword cutlers in London. His latest smallsword, that hilted in polished steel, is also British. Not just a patron of fine goods from the motherland,

Were any of Washington’s swords ever used in combat?
There is no doubt that Washington had a sword at his side each and every time he put on his uniform and appeared at the head of his command, either in the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, or in his role as Commander in Chief while President of the United States. That being said, it would be a mistake to imagine Washington brandishing his sword like a brigand and slicing his way through a line of hapless “redcoats” at the head of the Continental Army. As a proper gentleman, he was well aware of what and what not to do with a sword, so it’s a safe bet that Washington’s sword spent most of its time in its scabbard during the epic battles of the American Revolution. In the section of his will dealing with his swords, Washington directs the five nephews receiving a sword to keep them sheathed, except to defend one’s self or one’s “Country and its rights.” In contrast to his commanding role in Revolutionary battles, if one pictures the 1753 smallsword he carried during 1750s battles like Braddock’s Defeat, it is correct to envision it unsheathed and in hand as Washington defended himself against the French and Indians who ambushed the doomed British and American column.

You’ll find swords in many of the most famous paintings of Washington. Has this artwork helped with any of your research?

Video: Dr. Erik Goldstein on the design and history of Washington's Silver & Ivory-Hilted Cuttoe (3:03)
It was interesting to learn that Washington detailed some of his swords in his 1799 will…
![Bushrod Washington, by Henry Benbridge, 1783. Bequest of Margaret Chew, 1972. Conservation courtesy of the Helen Parker Willard Foundation [H-2620]. (Gavin Ashworth)](

Detailed View: The 1767 French Epée
Learn More: George Washington's 1799 Will
Tell us more about some of the interesting and controversial figures who were connected to Washington’s swords after his death.

Detailed View: The Steel-Hilted Smallsword
Video: Dr. Erik Goldstein describes the rich history of Washington's Steel-Hilted Smallsword (5:31)
Have most or all of Washington’s swords survived to today? And are the swords on public display?
In addition to those covered by The Swords of George Washington, we know of two which were purchased by Washington that are “whereabouts unknown” today. One was an openwork silver hilted military sword that was purchased from London in 1757 and the other was a blackened “mourning sword” Washington ordered in June of 1773, likely to express grief at the death of his step daughter Patsy. Surely there were more swords that were owned and used by Washington. Whether they have since been destroyed or have now become separated from their histories, it’s nice to think that another may show up sometime in the future. Regardless, it is safe to assume that the swords of Washington will endure as objects of great interest, in perpetuity. There is and will always be a popular demand to view them, which is why just about all of them are on public display just about all of the time.
Do you have a favorite Washington sword?
Not a fair question at all! Let’s start by saying that I have a least favorite sword – that’d be the Alte presentation sword, not that I don’t love it. First off, it arrived in a highly irregular fashion, and with a request for money to boot. Although it is a fine example of the craftsman’s art, I try to see it the way I feel Washington would have seen it. It’s a rather poorly-balanced cavalry sword, oozing with embellishment, of a type Washington would have had no practical use for. The etchings on the blade, although beautiful and well done, are over-complimentary and seem like the sort of thing he would not have cared for; much like he was opposed to his portrait appearing on the circulating American coins of the period. I think he saw the Alte sword as a curiosity, making it far less interesting to me than something he chose for himself and actually wore. But if I had to give a top nod to one of Washington’s swords, I’d have to say the Bailey cuttoe has everything going for it that an aficionado of American swords would want!
Detailed View: The Alte Presentation Sword
Order the Book: The Swords of George Washington by Erik Goldstein, Stuart Mowbray, and Brian Hendelson
About the Author
Erik Goldstein is Curator of Mechanical Arts & Numismatics at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. He originally hails from New York City, and is a lifelong student of the numismatics, arms, military history and the material culture of the 17th & 18th centuries. After receiving a BA in Fine Arts/Illustration from Parsons School of Design, he joined Harmer Rooke Numismatists, also in New York City, before spending the next 12 years as a professional numismatist and consultant.
In addition to more than two dozen articles in both specialties, he has authored six books relating to antique weaponry and military history; The Bayonet in New France 1665-1760 (1997), The Socket Bayonet in the British Army 1687–1783 (2000), 18th Century Weapons of the Royal Welsh Fuziliers from Flixton Hall (2002), The Brown Bess, an Identification Guide (2010), Ray’s Story, A Lost Air Gunner of the 454th Bomb Group (2013), and most recently The Swords of George Washington (ISBN-13: 9781931464710), published in early 2016.
Goldstein’s awards include the “Man at Arms Cup” for outstanding service to the field of Arms & Armor in 1997, the Numismatic Literary Guild’s Best Article award for 2010, and an honorary Doctorate of Numismatics from the Florence Schook School of Numismatics at the American Numismatic Association.
George Washington's Swords
As military weapons or fashionable accessories, swords were always at George Washington's side.
See the Swords