Did you have your photo taken at Mount Vernon?
Show us your best pose!
Visit George Washington's Mount Vernon on February 13, 14, 15, or 22 and strike a presidential pose in front of our lifesize Lansdowne painting. Upload your photo to Instagram or Twitter and tag it with #PoseLikethePrez for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
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Download the Lansdowne painting sans President Washington and show us your best pose. Upload your creation to Instagram or Twitter and tag it with #PoseLikethePrez for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
The Lansdowne Portrait of George Washington
Discover the interesting story behind one of our nation's most iconic paintings.
Learn MoreDolley Madison Rescues the Lansdowne Portrait
The Burning of Washington—one of the most note-worthy episodes of the War of 1812—took place 200 years ago, on August 24, 1814. After capturing the capital city, the British famously burned many of its most important buildings, including the White House.

Although the burning of Washington, D.C. transpired long after George Washington’s death, the first president played an important role. First Lady Dolley Madison chose to rescue the Lansdowne portrait from the White House just before the building went up in flames.
See Gilbert Stuart's original Lansdowne Portrait at the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery
For a limited time only.
Visit the Smithsonian Portrait Gallery