To ensure a positive guest experience for all, we ask guests to observe and adhere to the following rules.
Failure to comply may result in removal from the property, fines, or prosecution. Mount Vernon Staff, designated with red lanyards, and Security team members with badges are authorized to enforce these rules.
- Rude or inappropriate treatment, including unwelcome behavior toward other guests or any other persons, is not permitted, whether verbal, physical, or visual. Use or display of obscene or abusive language is prohibited.
- Engaging in disorderly conduct or participating in unauthorized assemblies is not permitted. Displaying signs or distributing solicitations, advertisements, or other materials without prior approval from Mount Vernon is not allowed.
- Damaging or removing objects, or tampering with modern or historic structures, is not permitted.
- Personal photography is allowed estate-wide except for inside all theaters or if posted otherwise in specific museum galleries. Flash photography is not permitted in the Mansion or museum galleries. Equipment, including tripods and selfie sticks, is not allowed. Professional photography, personal or professional video and audio recordings of tours, programs, and films is not permitted without prior written authorization from Mount Vernon. For more information, please see the Professional Group Photography policy.
- For the safety of our heritage breeds, disturbing or feeding animals is not permitted.
- Damaging or picking from gardens and landscape features is not permitted.
- To minimize damage to structures or the environment, eating or drinking, except for clear bottled water, is only permitted in designated areas. Chewing gum and other candy is only permitted in areas designated for food and drink.
- Smoking and use of electronic cigarettes is permitted in designated areas only. For a list of acceptable locations, please visit our designated smoking locations page.
- Appropriate attire, including a shirt, is required when on Mount Vernon property. Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes with cleats are not permitted.
- Use of sporting equipment is not permitted without prior approval from Mount Vernon.
- Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (drones), or any similar remote-controlled vehicles/flying devices, is not permitted on the property without prior approval from Mount Vernon and written authorization from the FAA.
- For the safety of our objects and other guests, bags larger than 16x16x8 inches are not allowed on the property. All bags are subject to inspection. For more information and prohibited items, see our Bag Inspection policy and Prohibited Items.
Failure to observe these requirements may result in removal from the property, fines, or prosecution. Any guest who fails to follow these rules is not eligible for a refund.
Thank you for your cooperation.

“Every Action done in Company, ought to be with Some Sign of Respect, to those that are Present.”
- The Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation, transcribed by G. Washington when he was 12 years old (circa 1744).