Integrate History & Steam Concepts
Learn from various experts from Mount Vernon’s Historic Trades and Historic Preservation teams through presentations on topics such as smithing, spinning, cooking, milling, distilling, and more!
Gain confidence in integrating history and STEAM concepts in an interdisciplinary context to support student learning while building a network of local peers.
Attend with a teaching partner or collaborative team to design learning experiences to take back to your classroom, department, grade level, and/or school.
Registration Details
Fall 2022 STEAM Workshops:
- We will be prioritizing educators who have NOT attended STEAM based professional development at Mount Vernon within the past calendar year - previous attendees will be added to the waitlist.
- You may only sign up for ONE fall workshop (September 22 or November 15) at this time.
In addition...
- Teachers must be currently working in K-12 formal school settings.
- Priority will be given to teachers and/or coordinators working in Title 1 schools.
- We highly recommend attending with a teaching partner or collaborative team (see schedule below).
- Each workshop is limited to 30 teachers.
- A waitlist will be made available after registration meets full capacity.
Questions? Please contact [email protected].
Sample Schedule
5:00-5:15 p.m. | Opening & Mini-Lesson |
5:15 p.m-6:45 p.m. | Onsite Experience |
6:45-7:00 p.m. | Break |
7:00-7:15 p.m. | Catch & Release |
7:15-8:00 p.m. | Dinner (provided) Work Time Debrief |
More Upcoming Programs
Workshop made possible through the generous support of Battelle