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Brown Bag Lunch: History and Historical Consciousness in the US Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration

Bring your lunch and learn about Library Fellow Steven Sarson's research project, History and Historical Consciousness in the US Declaration of Independence. Using the resources at the George Washington Presidential Library, Sarson is continuing his research for his new book entitled “When in the Course of human events”: History and Historical Consciousness in the US Declaration of Independence (University of Virginia Press, 2025) and related articles and other publications.



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About the Presenter

Steven Sarson is Professor of American Civilization at Jean Moulin University in Lyon, France. He is the author of three books, The Tobacco-Plantation South in the Early American Atlantic WorldBritish America, 1500-1800: Creating Colonies, Imagining an Empire, and Barack Obama: American Historian, articles in journals such as the Journal of Economic History, the Journal of the Early Republic, and the William and Mary Quarterly, and edited an 8-volume collection of documents (with Jack P. Greene) on The American Colonies and the British Empire.

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