Discover Archaeology at Mount Vernon
Visit the Family Hub and Archaeology Hub on the Bowling Green
At the Family Hub, learn about the archaeological process with Mount Vernon educators through hands-on activities. You can participate in your own miniature dig, put broken objects together, make your own replicas out of clay, and pick up take-home activities (while supplies last).
At the Archaeology Hub, hear from Mount Vernon archaeologists about their role at Mount Vernon and their recent discoveries. You can also learn more about the archaeological process directly from them!
Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Meet Staff from Gunston Hall, Ferry Farm, and the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
From aiding the reconstruction of the historic garden to being the cornerstone of ongoing work at the enslaved community known as the East Yard, archaeology is a key part of Gunston Hall. Explore how these projects depend upon archaeology, and try your hand at using archaeological artifacts to make conclusions about the past.
Archaeologists from George Washington’s Boyhood Home at Ferry Farm will be on site with artifacts showcasing life at Ferry Farm during George’s youth, as well as presenting information about their current excavations of the Washington kitchen dig.
Join JYF educators as they facilitate a discovery session about the Powhatan People. Thinking about Tsenacommacah around the time of English arrival in 1607, you will explore reproduction items and a simulated dig site to see how archaeologists and historians piece together the history of the past.
Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.