Teaching with the Washington Library
The George Washington Teacher Institute is excited to offer current K-12 educators the opportunity to participate in deep discussions and inquiries into the complexities of George Washington's biography, Martha Washington and the women of the 18th-century, and the enslaved community at Mount Vernon from the digital collections from the Washington Library.
This FREE digital symposium will bring the best sessions and speakers of our popular, application-based Summer Residential Programs and the best of the Washington Library's Digital Collections and historians into your home.
Join us as we:
- Investigate the complex life and legacies of George Washington during the revolutionary times in which he helped shape
- Explore the economic, political, social, and cultural histories of Martha Washington and other women of the 18th century
- Engage with diverse source materials to better understand the individual lives of those enslaved at Mount Vernon
- Investigate connections between the actions and inactions of decision makers in the 18th century, with those today
- Share best practices, strategies, and resources to facilitate conversations about founding era history and relevance with students

The Washington Library
The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon is a resource for scholars, students, and all those interested in George Washington, colonial America, and the Revolutionary and founding eras.
K12 Resources
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Contact Info
Alissa Oginsky, Manager of Teacher Learning