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Our current list of contributors to The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington

José M. Guerrero Acosta
Academy of Military Arts and Sciences, Spain

Jonathan Adams
The George Washington University

Andrew Bacas
The George Washington University  

Johanna Bakmas
The George Washington University

Rachel Bartgis
United States National Archives and Records Administration

Caitlin Berg
The George Washington University

D. Jason Berggren, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Georgia Southwestern State University

Emma Bilski
The George Washington University

Tyler Bowers
The George Washington University

Lydia Mattice Brandt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Art History, University of South Carolina

Julia Brown
The George Washington University

Matthew A. Byron, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History, Young Harris College

T. K. Byron, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History, Dalton State College

Joshua Canale
Visiting Assistant Professor in History, Le Moyne College

Alan Capps, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of History, George Mason University and Northern Virginia Community College. Affiliate historian, Department of Veterans Affairs

Lindsay M. Chervinsky, Ph.D.
White House Historian, White House History Association

Jett Conner
Professor of Political Science Emeritus
Metropolitan State University of Denver

Scott Craig
Florida State University

Sarah Crosswy
The George Washington University

Jason Dencklau
The George Washington University

Anthony Di Lorenzo
Loyola University Chicago

Nicole DiSarno
The George Washington University 

Charlotte Doney
The George Washington University

Alana Donocoff
The George Washington University

Shannon E. Duffy, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, Texas State University

Keslie Easton
The George Washington University

Carol Ebel, Ph.D.
Former Editor of the Presidential Series, The Papers of George Washington, at the University of Virginia

Meredith Eliassen
Meredith Eliassen, Operations manager for Special Collections, The J. Paul Leonard Library at San Francisco State University

Caroline M. Eisenhuth
The George Washington University in Washington, DC

William M. Etter, Ph.D.
Professor of English, Irvine Valley College

Mason Faulkner Fields
Texas State University

Maria Ferraguto
The George Washington University

Siobhan Fitzpatrick
Curator of Collections and Exhibits for the Museum of Early Trades & Crafts, Madison, NJ

Jay Fondin
The George Washington University

Samuel K. Fore
Assistant Director, The Harlan Crow Library

William F. Fowler, Jr., Ph.D.
Former Director, The Massachusetts Historical Society. Distinguished Professor of History, Northeastern University 

Michael P. Gabriel, Ph.D.
Professor of History, Kutztown University

John Gibbs
Cataloger, The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon

Annie Gittess
The George Washington University

Matthew Goetz
The George Washington University

Cassandra Good, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History, Marymount University

George Goodwin, FRHistS, FRSA
Author in Residence at Benjamin Franklin House in London; Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the Royal Society of Arts

Kevin Grimm, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Beloit College

Hope Grossman
The George Washington University

Rob Hardy, Ph.D.
Research Associate in Classics, Carleton College

Kathryn Harris
The George Washington University 

Michael D. Hattem, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Knox College

David Head, Ph.D.
Lecturer in History, University of Central Florida

David Hildebrand, Ph.D.
Lecturer, The Johns Hopkins University Peabody Conservatory

Katie Hill
Queen Mary University of London; The George Washington University

Nicholas Holy
The George Washington University

Katherine Horan
The George Washington University

Hillary Hughes
The George Washington University

Alexander Immekus
The George Washington University

Joshua Jeffers
Lecturer in History, Middle Tennessee State University

Jared Johnson
The George Washington University

Kate Johnson
The University of Northern Colorado

Maria Kimberly
Research Assistant, The Papers of George Washington, University of Virginia

William P. Kladky, Ph.D.
Lecturer, College of Notre Dame of Maryland

Lily Kondrich
The George Washington University

Arnold G. Konheim
Docent, The Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum

Peter Kotowski, Ph.D. 
Assistant Director, Prospect Management and Research, Loyola University Chicago

Annabel LaBrecque
The George Washington University

Veronica La Du
The George Washington University

Nelly Lambert
Professor of Literature, Bard Early College

Cody Lass
Texas Tech University

Marc Leepson
Journalist and Historian

Chelsea Lenhart
The George Washington University 

Chris Logsdon
The George Washington University

Mary Lesher
The George Washington University

Laura A. Macaluso, Ph.D.
Independent Scholar and Writer

James MacDonald, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History, Northwestern State University

Jessie MacLeod 
Associate Curator, George Washington's Mount Vernon

Jonathan Marine
The George Washington University

Rachel McBrayer
The George Washington University

Nick McGrath
The George Washington University

Mollie McHale
King’s College London 

Jim Mc Intyre
Assistant Professor of History, Moraine Valley Community College in Illinois; Fleet Professor in the United States Naval War college Distance Learning Program at Great Lakes, IL 

Adam Meehan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English and Humanities, Palmour College

Taylor Mellaci
The George Washington University

Jeffrey Messina
The George Washington University

Joseph Meyer, Ph.D.
Lecturer, University of Albany-SUNY

Aubrianna Mierow
The George Washington University

Curtis F. Morgan, Jr., Ph.D.
Professor of History, Lord Fairfax Community College

Cameron Neilley
The George Washington University

Emily Niekrasz
The George Washington University 

Kiera E. Nolan

Kieran O’Keefe
Ph.D. Candidate, The George Washington University

Nick Oristian
The George Washington University

Michael Paganelli
The George Washington University

Russell S. Perkins
Saint Marys University

Browning Platt
The George Washington University

Robin Pokorski
The George Washington University

Patrick Allan Pospisek
Adjunct Professor of History, Grand Valley State University

Alexa Price, Ph.D.
The George Washington University

Eli Pullman
The George Washington University

Bailey Reed
The University of Virginia

David Alan Rego
Tufts University

Zach Sanders
The George Washington University

Katrina Schoorl
The George Washington University

Adam D. Shprintzen, Ph.D.
Former Digital and Archival Historian at the George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon; Assistant Professor of History, Marywood University

Stephen Santelli
Ph.D. Candidate, West Virginia University

Michael Schellhammer
Officer, U.S. Army (Ret)

Joseph Scott
Air Defense officer, United States Army

James M. Scythes
Instructor of History,  West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Maria Seidel
The George Washington University

Mike Serverian
The George Washington University

Rebecca Sharer
The George Washington University

Michael J. F. Sheehan
Ramapo College of New Jersey

Kerrington Shields
The George Washington University 

Craig Bruce Smith, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Military History, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College

M. Earl Smith
The University of Pennsylvania

Taylor Soja
The George Washington University

Mary Stockwell, Ph.D.
Independent Researcher; Former Professor of American History, Lourdes University

Yaari Nadav Tal
The George Washington University

Mary V. Thompson
Research Historian, The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon

Rahul Tilva
The George Washington University

Delia Titzell
The George Washington University

Alexander Todd
The George Washington University

George Tsakiridis, Ph.D.
Instructor in Philosophy and Religion, South Dakota State University

Jack Upton
The George Washington University

Katie Uva
Ph.D. Candidate in History, CUNY Graduate Center

Claire Vanderwood
The George Washington University

Scott Vierick
History Associates; Interpreter, George Washington's Mount Vernon

Amanda Walli
The George Washington University

Elliot Warren
The George Washington University

Quinton Weinstein
The George Washington University

Reed Westcott
The George Washington University

Kathryn White
The George Washington University

Ariel Wilks
The George Washington University

Victoria Williams, Ph.D.
King's College, London

Robert Wolfe
West Virginia University 

Gwendolyn K. White
Ph.D. Candidate, George Mason University

Jeffrey A. Zemler, Ph.D.
Adjunct Instructor, Brookhaven College in Farmers Branch, Texas

John H. Zimmerman
Interpretive Guide, George Washington's Mount Vernon

Xu, Yijin
The George Washington University

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