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The library is open to researchers by appointment Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and is closed on weekends and all major holidays, except Presidents Day. We are located at 3600 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121. We are not open for public tours.

Hours of Operation - By Research Appointment Only

The library is located at:

3600 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway,
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121

Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday, Sunday and Major Holidays: Closed

Travel and Transport Information

Mount Vernon is located in Fairfax County, Virginia, about eight miles south of Old Town Alexandria. The estate is regularly serviced by the Fairfax Connector bus, which collects passengers at a bus stop located near the front of the Mount Vernon Inn. For bus fare information and schedules, call Fairfax Connector at 703.339.7200.

Visit the Fairfax Connector website

For access to DC Metrorail via bus service, board Fairfax Connector Bus #101 (Fort Hunt Line), which stops at Huntington Station (20-minute trip, apx. 7.5 miles). For more information about Metro bus and subway transportation, call 202.637.7000.

Visit the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) website

Directions From Washington,
D.C. / Memorial Bridge

Cross the Memorial Bridge, heading toward Arlington National Cemetery. While you are on the bridge, get in the center lane. At the circle on the Virginia side, go right, following the sign for the George Washington Parkway (do not head to Arlington Cemetery). Just after the circle, take the left hand exit, marked Parkway South/Alexandria/Mount Vernon. Once on the Parkway, follow the signs to National Airport and continue south, through Alexandria. The Parkway is renamed Washington Street in Alexandria. Mount Vernon is eight miles south of Alexandria, at the Parkway’s terminus, which is a large traffic circle. When you are approaching the traffic circle, veer right towards the four-way stop, continuing through the intersection onto Route 235, and passing the post office on your right. Just beyond the post office, you will see the Library’s security gate on your right. Pull up alongside the call box, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

Directions From Washington,
D.C. / 14th Street Bridge/DCA

Cross the Fourteenth Street Bridge, heading to Virginia. While on the bridge, move to the far right lane. Take the second exit on the right, which is marked National Airport/Mount Vernon. Once on the Parkway, follow the signs to National Airport and continue south, through Alexandria. The Parkway is renamed Washington Street in downtown Alexandria. Mount Vernon is eight miles south of Alexandria, at the large traffic circle at the Parkway’s terminus, which is a large traffic circle. When you are approaching the traffic circle, move to the center lane and veer right towards the four-way stop, continuing through the intersection onto Route 235, and passing the post office on your right. Just beyond the post office, you will see the Library’s security gate on your right. Pull up alongside the call box and press the button, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

Directions From the North
(Frederick, Gaithersburg, Rockville, Bethesda)

Travel south on Interstate 270 to Interstate 495 (the Beltway). Follow the beltway south to Virginia. As you cross the American Legion Bridge over the Potomac River, get in the right lane. Take the first exit in Virginia, marked George Washington Memorial Parkway. Follow the George Washington Parkway south for about 30 miles, which takes you directly to Mount Vernon. The Parkway is renamed Washington Street in Alexandria, and Mount Vernon is eight miles south of Alexandria, at the Parkway’s terminus, which is a large traffic circle. When you are approaching the traffic circle, move to the center lane and veer right towards the four-way stop, continuing through the intersection onto Route 235, and passing the post office on your right. Just beyond the post office, you will see the Library’s security gate on your right. Pull up alongside the call box and press the button, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

Directions From the South
(Woodbridge, Richmond, North Carolina)

Travel north on Interstate 95 and turn off at exit 161, Route 1 North, marked Ft. Belvoir/Mt. Vernon. Continue north on Route 1 about six miles, through Ft. Belvoir. Just after Ft. Belvoir, turn right on Route 235 north. The Library’s drive-through security gate is located about two-and-a-half miles straight ahead on your left. Pull up alongside the call box and press the button, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

Directions From the East
(New Jersey, Baltimore, Annapolis, BWI)

Travel south on Interstate 95 (which becomes the beltway). As you cross the Potomac River on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, get in the right-hand local lanes for Alexandria. After you cross the bridge, take Exit 177C to Mount Vernon. The exit takes you to a light at S. Washington Street. Take a right on S. Washington Street. Washington Street becomes the George Washington Parkway as you leave Alexandria, and Mount Vernon is eight miles south, at the Parkway’s terminus, which is a large traffic circle. When you are approaching the traffic circle, move to the center lane and veer right towards the four-way stop, continuing through the intersection onto Route 235, and passing the post office on your right. Just beyond the post office, you will see the Library’s security gate on your right. Pull up alongside the call box and press the button, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

Directions From the West
(Reston, IAD, and beyond)

Travel east on Interstate 66 to Interstate 495 South (the beltway). Follow the outer loop of the beltway which becomes Interstate 95 North (headed towards Baltimore). Turn off at exit 177B, Route 1 North, marked Alexandria/Mount Vernon. Once on Route 1, make the first right turn, onto Franklin Street. Turn right again at Washington Street, which is marked for Mount Vernon. Washington Street becomes the George Washington Parkway as you leave Alexandria, and Mount Vernon is eight miles south, at the Parkway’s terminus, which is a large traffic circle. When you are approaching the traffic circle, move to the center lane and veer right towards the four-way stop, continuing through the intersection onto Route 235, and passing the post office on your right. Just beyond the post office, you will see the Library’s security gate on your right. Pull up alongside the call box and press the button, state your name to security, and the gate will open. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance. Park in the visitor parking lot, located to the left of the library’s main entrance.

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