Few figures in American history are surrounded by more well-intended mythology than George Washington. Throughout much of his adult life, many sought to perfect the image of the Father of our Nation, and after his death, others sought to deify the man.

10 Common Misconceptions
Let's set the record straight with some of these common falsehoods about George Washington.

Washington's Wooden Teeth
Were George Washington's dentures really made of wood? Despite his legendary physical strength and iron constitution, his failing teeth were a source of regular suffering throughout his entire life.
teeth trouble
Chopping Down the Cherry Tree
The cherry tree myth is the most well-known and longest enduring legend about George Washington.
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Growing Hemp
Yes, George Washington did grow hemp... but not the kind you're thinking of.
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Haunted by the Ghost of Washington
Given his oft-mythologized life, it is perhaps not surprising that George Washington has been the subject of numerous ghost stories.
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