Religious Freedom is a fundamental law of the United States - it is also sometimes difficult to teach in classrooms. Use these resources to accompany George Washington and the Pursuit of Religious Freedom!

Inquiry Questions to Consider
Use these inquiry questions to spark analysis while viewing the film.
- Why might religious communities be in conflict with one another?
- What is religious freedom? How is this different than religious tolerance?
- What is the relationship between religion and morality?
- How does religious freedom align with the Enlightenment?
- Why is religious freedom important today?
Interactive Timeline
Click the link to go to an interactive timeline about religious freedom!

Interactive Map
Click the link to access an interactive map showing religious groups in colonial America. This map also contains more information about those populations and their specific beliefs!

Graphic Organizers
These graphic organizers are meant to aid viewers and provide opportunities to record thoughts, questions, and ideas. Click below to view graphic organizers!

Vocabulary Terms
Use these handouts to help clarify complex words and concepts while discussing religious freedom

Download the transcript of George Washington and the Pursuit of Religious Freedom to help view and plan with the film.
Lesson Plans
Discover our lesson plans on the Constitution and Religious Freedom
Watch Religious Freedom
Learn how George Washington successfully established religious freedom in America with this 15 minute film!
Religious Freedom Home
Click the link to go back to Religious Freedom Classroom Resources.
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