Lives Bound Together: Culture
This page contains primary and secondary sources on the culture and daily lives of the people enslaved at Mount Vernon. Use these resources to learn more about the system of slavery and find useful learning materials.

Many enslaved peoples were given a limited amount of clothing rations and wore the clothes they were given. Still, some were able to personalize their clothing through garments or accessories.
More on Clothing and Style
Family Life
There were many families living at Mount Vernon. A lot of families were separated because of their work assignments. Still, families found time together whenever possible.
Read more about families at Mount Vernon
Community and Tradition
Despite living in the conditions of enslavement, people at Mount Vernon managed to find - and maintain - a sense of community.
Communities at Mount VernonThe Women's Slave Quarters
The Women's Slave Quarters housed many individuals who worked near or on the Mansion. Explore the quarters below.
A Day in the Life of an Enslaved Cook
Click the link to learn about what a typical day might look like for an enslaved cook

The people at Mount Vernon often sang songs or played a variety of handmade instruments, which helped inspire future musical genres like jazz, rock, and country.

Different people practiced different religions at Mount Vernon. Some people practiced Christianity, while others practiced Islam or Vodoun.
What were some key traditions, celebrations, and practices of the enslaved community?
Primary Sources
Use these primary sources to learn more about the culture of the enslaved population at Mount Vernon
Secondary Sources
Use these secondary sources to learn more about the culture of the enslaved population at Mount Vernon
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