George Washington's love of dogs and foxhunting is well documented. However, some of Washington's dogs did not share his inclination for the sport.

Even in France, Lafayette wrote, the king used English dogs because their native breed were incredibly slow. Nonetheless, Lafayette attested to the strong bloodline of this pack and encouraged Washington to send the admirer a thank-you note.
The hounds arrived that August: three males and four females. Washington soon took the dogs around the grounds so they could discover the lay of the land before taking them hunting.
During their first hunt in late November, two dogs performed well, but "The other French Dogs [showed] but little disposition to follow... [they] got upon another Fox which was followed slow and indifferently by some & not at all by the rest until the [scent] became so cold that it [could] not be followed at all."
Washington tried hunting with them again several days later and achieved similar, unsuccessful results. "3 or 4 of the French Hds. discovered no greater disposition for Hunting today than they did on tuesday last." By December 12, the French Hounds finally showed signs of improvement, "running constantly whilst the Scent was hot."