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Guests are prohibited from bringing firearms onto the Mount Vernon estate. This policy does exclude law enforcement officials, who after displaying their credentials to our Mount Vernon security team, may carry their firearms in a concealed manner.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon employs a well-trained, armed security force that is dedicated to providing a safe environment for our more than one million annual visitors.  Our decision to prohibit firearms on the estate was taken to limit risks to our visiting guests, lower guest anxiety, and to reduce any chance for dangerous confusion during a critical incident.  

It is recommended that guests not bring firearms to the estate, but for those that do, Mount Vernon provides safe and secure gun lockers for the storage of firearms during their visit.  Just speak to our security officers at the Mount Vernon entrance to learn more about where and how you can store your firearms.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon is privately owned and is not affiliated with any governmental agencies or park systems.

Questions about this policy?  E-mail us at [email protected]