Scroll to explore all of the wonderful videos and podcasts that Mount Vernon has to offer!

Ask Mount Vernon
These videos were created in response to student questions about George Washington and the eighteenth century. Learn more about Washington's life, the American Revolution, and much more with these student-based videos!
Ask Mount Vernon
Full Films
These 15-25 minute films explore the Revolutionary War, the making of the Constitution, religious freedom in America, and the creation of the Bill of Rights. Click to find out more about each film and discover the classroom resources associated with them.
Watch the Films
Celebrity Segments
These short, 2-3 minute segments narrated by celebrities explain why Washington's actions of stepping down from power, encouraging unity, inspiring civic virtue, and securing individual freedoms are significant.
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Mount Vernon YouTube
Discover the numerous YouTube videos Mount Vernon has on the mansion, George Washington, and the eighteenth-century!
Mount Vernon YouTube
Mount Vernon is home to the George Washington Podcast Network. These 45-minute podcasts contain information about 18th century America and George Washington.
Listen to Podcasts