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There's much to see and do at Mount Vernon.

We remain open during our preservation work, and we recommend that you plan to spend 2-3 hours on the estate to see as much as possible.

Mansion & Grounds

Entry to the Mansion is by guided tour only and requires a Mansion tour ticket (a grounds pass allows access to the estate).

Preservation Work

The New Room, Servants’ Hall, and Kitchen are open. All other rooms are off-view due to preservation work.

Mansion Phase 2

In the diagram above, rooms in red are currently off-view. 

You can take a virtual tour of the Mansion inside our theater in the Orientation Center.

Learn about our preservation work.

Visit Time

Mansion Tour Time: 10 minutes 

You can also visit our outbuildings, gardensWashington's tomb, the slave memoriala working farm, and more. 

Grounds Visit Time: 1 hour



In the museum, discover the people who shaped Mount Vernon, including Washington and Custis family members, enslaved and hired laborers, and Vice Regents of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, which has owned and preserved Mount Vernon since the 19th century.

Museum Visit Time: 1 hour

Learn more

Mount Vernon: The Story of an American Icon

Patriots Path: A Revolutionary War Encampment

Experience the American Revolution as you walk through an 18th-century Continental Army encampment featuring soldiers' tents and an officer’s tent.

At this hands-on attraction, you can touch the items inside the tents, wash clothes in the laundry yard, and examine cooking utensils used by camp followers.

Interpreters will be on hand 7 days a week to share information about the life in the encampment and answer questions. 

Learn More

Education Center

The Education Center is closed. A new George Washington exhibit will open in 2026.

Learn about the upcoming exhibit

In the Education Center, trace Washington’s life story through exhibits, a 4D Revolutionary War film, and the Be Washington Interactive Theater.

Education Center


Enjoy cornbread and other Virginia favorites at the Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant or get a quick meal or snack at the Food Court.

Restaurant Visit Time: 45 minutes - 1 hour
Food Court Visit Time: 15 - 30 minutes



The Shops at Mount Vernon offers unique gifts, reproductions of Mount Vernon treasures, books, toys, and more.

You can also shop our online store.

The Shops at Mount Vernon

George Washington’s Distillery & Gristmill

Open seasonally: weekends in Apr. - Oct. 

Tour fully-functioning reconstructions of Washington's gristmill and whiskey distillery. Both buildings are located 2.7 miles from the estate’s main entrance. 

Distillery & Gristmill