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Dominion Energy and George Washington’s Mount Vernon are now working together to find an alternate location for Dominion’s planned Charles Compressor Station, which is a part of the Eastern Market Access Project. As we work towards finding a mutually agreeable solution, we will share more details regarding the new natural gas compressor station location.

Update: Charles County Compressor Station

The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association has released the following statement on Dominion Energy's October 15, 2018 announcement to not build a natural gas compressor plant on the Charles county site. The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association had stated its opposition to this potential development that would have marred the historic Potomac viewshed that they have long sought to preserve.

Read the Statement


"Dominion will not build compressor station in Bryans Road" - Maryland Independent

Coalition to Save George Washington’s View

Mount Vernon is working with the following organizations to protect Washington's View. 

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Working Together

Since the 1950s, the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and many public and private partners have worked tirelessly to protect the vista that George Washington treasured.

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"No estate in United America is more pleasantly situated than this…on one of the finest Rivers in the world."

George Washington, 1793

A Long History of Preservation

Over the past 60 years, there have been many threats to this view. However, thanks to the efforts of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and our many public and private partners Washington’s beloved view remains largely unchanged. Generations of leaders, families, and school groups, have enjoyed this view and we want to continue to preserve it for future visitors to Mount Vernon.

Learn more