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Editorial Team:

Zoie Horecny, Ph.D.

Alexandra Montgomery, Ph.D.
Director of the Center for Digital History

Former team members:

Anne Fertig, Ph.D
Jim Ambuske, Ph.D
Jeanette Patrick, M.A.
Joseph Stoltz, Ph.D.
Adam Shprintzen, Ph.D.
Tracy Barnett, Lead Editorial Intern
Charles Greco, Undergraduate Editorial Intern
Theodore Szpakowski, Undergraduate Editorial Intern
Sarah Louise Huebschen, Undergraduate Editorial Intern



George Washington understood the value of owning a comprehensive encyclopedia. "As the Encyclopaedia might be useful, to have by me," Washington explained in a September 1797 letter to Clement Biddle, the manager of his Philadelphia business affairs, "I would...request Mr. Dobson to have all that are published, neatly bound and sent to me."1 Washington was so enamored with the possibilities provided by an encyclopedia that he ordered two sets of Philadelphia printer Thomas Dobson's Encyclopedia, or A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature. Washington's motives in ordering two sets were both ideological and practical. On one hand, Washington wanted to "encourage" Dobson's "undertaking the work." In addition, Washington had already given away one set of the encyclopedia and desired a bound copy for his own library.2

Luckily technological advancements have ensured that encyclopedias have become far more mobile and accessible than they were in the late eighteenth century. However, the utility provided by an encyclopedia remains strikingly similar. Encyclopedias have traditionally provided digestible yet comprehensive descriptions of events, people, places and objects, often supported by visual documentation. Modern, digital encyclopedias have similar agendas. The delivery system, however, has changed.

The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington aims to bridge these two encyclopedic values: to inform, educate, and engage while utilizing the web as a vibrant medium to allow visitors to interact and explore primary source materials and objects from the Mount Vernon collection. Entries focus on the totality of Washington's life and experiences, while also covering the Mount Vernon Estate, its history, and preservation.

The project has benefited considerably from the talents and dedication of an impressive group of scholars of varying experience, backgrounds, and historical fields. Mount Vernon is indebted for their hard work, creativity, and willingness to contribute. Contributors have helped create a database of information related to Washington's life, career, and home. However, given the depth of Washington's ever-changing life and legacy as young man, planter, military hero, President and cultural icon, this resource will be constantly growing.

Prospective Authors:

Contributions to the Encyclopedia are commissioned by the editorial team. No unsolicited entries will be accepted. Potential authors may express their interest by contacting the Center for Digital History, via email. Please include a copy of your C.V. and general areas of interest.

1. George Washington to Clement Biddle, 6 September 1797, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed April 11, 2019,

2. Washington to Clement Biddle, 14 August 1797, Founders Online, National Archives, accessed April 11, 2019,

How to Cite Encyclopedia Articles:

APA Citation:
[Enty Author]. [Entry Title]. [Access Date]. In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington. Retrieved from [Entry URL].

Chicago Manual of Style Citation:
[Entry Author]. "[Entry Title]." In The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington, edited by Anne Fertig and Alexandra Montgomery. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, 2012–. [Entry URL].

MLA Citation:
[Entry Author]. "[Entry Title]." The Digital Encyclopedia of George Washington. Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. Web. [Access Date].